Short film charts epic journey made by Jaguar XF

11 November 2011

Jaguar has created a short film charting the progress of the XF 2.2 as it crossed the 11 states, 2,884‑miles and three time zones, achieving an average economy figure of 62.9 mpg.

Jaguar has created a short film charting the progress of the XF 2.2 as it crossed the 11 states, 2,884‑miles and three time zones, achieving an average economy figure of 62.9 mpg.

In the process it became the most efficient Jaguar ever created.

The journey attracted hundreds of comments and followers on Twitter and Facebook as Senior Press Officer, Faye Goldstraw, provided live updates on the progress of the trip from the support vehicle following the XF.

The entirely standard, UK‑registered, right‑hand drive XF was shipped to North America to verify the true efficiency of the XF as it took on the epic journey from coast to coast. The car performed faultlessly, delivering its peak economy of 67 mpg on the penultimate leg of the journey ‑ a trip that saw the XF take on snow, rain and sun, 50 mph headwinds and elevation changes of over 7,000 feet.


Note to editors:

The film can be accessed by following the enclosed link:‑in/jaguar/videos//video?id=19571

Two versions of the film are available in either 90‑second or three minute formats

To contact the Jaguar UK PR team, please call or e‑mail:

Angus Fitton   Faye Goldstraw   Alexina Jackson
PR Manager  Senior Press Officer Press Officer
T:  02476 206120 T: 02476 206354  T: 02476 204427
M: 07585 795 758  M: 07860 872224 M: 07585 795690
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7 November 2011

Jaguar XF 2.2 Diesel to drive 2800 miles through Eleven States

Eleven states, 2,800-miles, seven days: XF 2.2 sets out to cross NORTH...

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