Wall Street Journal Offers Digital ‘Open House’ Today; Access Includes Online Apps for iPhone, iPad

29 March 2012

The Wall Street Journal’s subscription content is available to all users today during a 24‑hour digital “Open House,” courtesy of Jaguar. This marks the first time the Journal has extended Open House access to its iPad app and is also a first for combined full access via online, mobile and iPad.

Wall Street Journal Offers Digital 'Open House' Today; Access Includes Online Apps for iPhone, iPad


Content Free to All Users Courtesy of Jaguar

NEW YORK (March 29, 2012) ‑ The Wall Street Journal's subscription content is available to all users today during a 24‑hour digital "Open House," courtesy of Jaguar. In addition to WSJ.com, the Open House includes free access to premium content on the Journal's iPad and iPhone apps and its mobile Web site. This marks the first time the Journal has extended Open House access to its iPad app and is also a first for combined full access via online, mobile and iPad.

New users who download The Wall Street Journal for iPhone or iPad from the App Store, as well as current free registered users, will automatically have access to all content for the day.

Cross‑platform usage continues to increase among Journal readers; those who access the Journal across multiple platforms are not only among the most highly engaged, but also among the most affluent of Journal readers.

"Working with advertisers to offer open houses has proven to be one of the most valuable and efficient ways to expose our premium content to new readers and potential subscribers," said Alisa Bowen, general manager of The Wall Street Journal Digital Network. "By extending the effort to include multiple touch points in a single day, we create an unprecedented opportunity to maximize exposure of our content and, subsequently, for Jaguar to expose their brand further and reach our high‑quality audience on multiple screens."

"The ALIVE campaign shines a light on the attributes of our brand that make us truly distinctive from our competitors and heightens brand awareness among a more youthful audience by connecting on a more personal level," said David Pryor, Brand Vice President, Jaguar North America. "By partnering with The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, we amplify this message by engaging consumers across the various digital channels that they interact with in their daily lives. Whether it's their laptop, iPhone or iPad, we are able to leverage the content of the publication along with its caliber of readers."

In addition to the Open House, Jaguar will have a larger marketing effort with the Journal, which will also include ads across The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, including MarketWatch.com, Barrons.com and SmartMoney.com.